Thursday, July 31, 2014

I think the best thing I learned here was Algebra 3. This class will benefit me in high school and put me ahead of the game.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

 I think that in this summer I learned that people find so many new things like medical advances and even self healing materials. This really makes me wonder what type of items we will have in the future. Also, some of the topics we did were not that fun. I think that the one about girl beauty was a good topic, but there is basically no way to be against women being more than something else. My chart was just filled with the pros of having women do better jobs and to stop the ads. I think the Middle Eastern crisis is important to me because the US might get involved again and ISIS could be a problem as well. Just knowing this makes me feel kind of safer. I think being aware of some of today's issues helped me know what was going on in the world and learn some pretty awesome things. It is totally important to be well informed because if you are not, there might be something important on there or there may have been a world issue.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Debate

                   Summer Debate

     I thought that this summer was a lot of fun. I learned a lot of stuff from Ms.Krissy too. I learned stuff like GMOs,women rights,and others.It was also pretty well informed.

     I also wish that summer would never end.:( Some of them were important to me and 1-3 of them I didn't like.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

This summer the best topic was advertising is harder and why pop stars are empowering to women. I did not like why gun control is harmful. I do not like gun control because I don't like things that have to do with gun control. I think the most important was to ban GMOs because it teaches you not to eat random stuff.
This summer I really learned a lot. I hope I can continue to learn more.


Hi guys!

This week for your final blog, I want you to blog about what you think the most important thing you learned this summer was. What topic(s) did you like or not like? Which ones were important to you? How has being more aware of issues in today's society helped you? Do you think it's important to be well informed?

It has been a great summer guys and I can't wait to hear your final debate next week. DO NOT FORGET to do your t-chart!!!

Ms. Krissy

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why do ads always have to have a model who is "beautiful"? This is probably because the ad makers did not care as to whom they are influencing. Although, they may have known already about this. Since the 1900's, ads have been tilting ever so slightly for a hundred years. Not only does this teach girls they are not important, it also makes boys judge girls by appearance. This kind of goes against what the women's right act was for. They wanted to be equal, but now they are not. In an example, the news team asked a person not how the woman anchor did, but if her clothes fitted her or if her legs looked good. We need to gather people to make anti-ads and try to ask for funding to attempt an action to get the governments attention at how they are polluting kids minds. To make sure media will act ethically, they must stop these ads and hire people who do the job because they want to, not because they want to on the condition that they get more beautiful or buy nicer clothes. Traditionally, ads were to make you get or do whatever it told you to. Now it is just for watching and not to figure out about some product.Here is a link to an article against stopping ads from photoshopping

Gender Influence

I think that both genders should equal. Men and women, whats the big diference. We have the same desires and abilities. So why do we look down upon another gender. The goverenment should not intervene with each person, but they should make laws against commercials making bias comments. And maybee more movies can have strong women and main characters.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Women's Rights

I think that people should not judge girls because of their gender. Girls can be just as good as boys. They can good at sports, its not only boys who can hit well or kick well, girls can do that too.A lot of people think that girls only like to gossip and talk on the phone, but that doesn't mean every girl is like that. When someone says to a girl that they "kick like a girl," it's meant to be offensive. But it shouldn't be, because girls kick like girls because they are girls, and they shouldn't be ashamed that they are girls.This is why I think that people should not judge girls because of their gender.

Thursday, July 17, 2014



   I think that we should do something about the women's rights.(Not really cause i'm a boy so I think we should do nothing about this:)(But i'm talking from their point of view:() We should make women more important and tell them that it's not about how they look. We should make them main characters in TV shows and movies.(I didn't say books because that would ruin some really good books)

   This is what I think we should do about women's rights.(This one is from the movie that we watched)

Women’s sexual freedom is not as free as men’s. Chastity has been the symbol of a admirable woman and many cultures have used many types of punishments for breaking this role, the most dangerous of which includes “honor killings”, in which a woman is killed by a family member as punishment for bringing dishonor to the family name.
 The gender of men is that they are expected to be sexually active and may scheme and plot for sex by women into thinking a relationship is serious when it is not.

Week 8 Prompt

Hi guys!
This week I want you to blog about how impactful you think that gender roles are on adolescents. A few weeks ago we saw how influential advertising is in general, but now specifically in the context of gender. What do you think you can do about it? Should we do anything about it? Should the government do anything about it?
How are we to make sure the media acts ethically?

Good luck!
Ms. Krissy

P.S. Make a T chart about media ethical responsibility

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Conflict Between Isrial and Palistine

I think that the Palistinians, which are classified as terroist, are not really the terroist. If anything, Isrial is the problem. There have been several peace treaties between the nations. Palistine keeps her promise according to the peace treaty in hope of peace and to end her people's suffering. Isrial, however, has not kept its part of the peace treaty. Apart from this Isrial is basicly tortuing the Palistinians and cover it up by calling it protection. Because of the so called protection, a pregnant woman was not able to reach the hospital in time and her child died. So what is more of an terroist action, throwing rocks at soldiers that are in your land, or alligning the crosshairs of a sniper rifle at an old women's head.

What is the real definition of a terrorist? A terrorist usually means a person who brings out fear. Nobody has ever asked terrorists why they work to inflict this fear. It is because these terrorists believe in what they do or they have a family to protect. Even the United States have done horrible acts before as well, yet we do not call ourselves terrorists. Talking about the United States, countries have proven to be terrorists as well. Some countries fight to make fear in other countries. In a way, how the U.S. has nuclear weapons engage fear in other countries and many hate the US for supplying countries with nukes(Above). How does that fit? People thought differently and all these fears raged upon them. Because of this, many people have different perspectives and are too competitive. Also, Israel seems to be overdoing it. Even though they suffered much, they do not deserve to do these things to more people. A fact of their bad works is that they give Jews top priority and water when other Palestinians have no water and wait at gates for almost an eternity. Mostly, the Middle East Crisis is happening because of disruptions in people's beliefs. Jews were hurt by Germans and their religion insulted, Iraq and Syria fight over the Sunni-Shi'ite problem, and Afghanistan has problems with rebellions on beliefs. All of them have fought because of their beliefs and so if they could just terminate the fighting with a solution where Israel held their end of the contract and the wars against each other could be solved by combining beliefs and overthrowing the government peacefully or just finding a better governor through democracy. Here is a link to the Sunni and Shi'ite problem.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Personally, I think that Israel is the big problem in the Middle East. Israel has caused many of the uprisings and if they give rights to the Palestinians, the problem would be solved. I think ISIS is only doing extremist attacks because of Israel and the fact that everyone ignored them when they wanted a united government. I think we should stop Israel from treating its neighbors so bad. IF ISRAEL REFUSES TO AGREE, WE CAN NUKE 'EM!!!

The Problem in the Middle East

I think that the real problem with the Middle Eastern problem is the United States. If the United states did not send the Jews to Israel, then they would not want more land. To solve this problem, i think that the United States should stop giving their support and stop giving them things like guns and weapons. That way, the Israel wont have anything to threaten the Palatines with.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Crisis in the Middle East

               The Middle East right now is in huge discussions over the countries of Iraq, Palestine, Israel, and many other countries that are going through crisis. The main countries that I am going to focus on is Israel and Palestine. Israel is very selfish and foolish of themselves, because they took over 80% of the land and still does not give the land back in the peace treaty the two countries had signed. Since they had been fighting with each country since WWII, people are trying to find solutions to solve the huge problem.
               I think the best solution for the two countries is to unite them into one country, just like Bosnia and Herzegovina or Trinidad and Tobago. This ensures them more peace and no more crisis around to keep them busy in war. I hope this solution would stop the continuous fight between the two countries.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Middle Eastern Crisis

                Middle Eastern Crisis

     The Middle Eastern Crisis is getting worse by the second. Israel vs Gaza,Jordan,Syria,Iraq ,and others, who will win this battle?! The problem is that Israel won't give back the land they took over.Most of the states hate them for that.This is how terrorist groups starts.The countries aren't terrorists. Israel promised them to give them their land back,but they lied.

     I think that the solution is that they overthrow Israel's government or by force.What do you think is the solution? Please comment the solution. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Many people from Mexico try to illegally sneak into USA. They go on this train but many people end up dying. Around these days Obama gave Congress permission to deal with this crisis. They asked them for three point five billion dollars to help the people who illegally come here.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Week 7 Prompt

Hey guys!
For this week, I would like you to research and write about something connected to the Middle Eastern crisis. I want you to really think about this. There is a lot of information out there. Do you think that the groups we classify as terrorist are really terrorists? Are the countries terrorists? Why? What began all of these problems in the first place? Will there ever be a solution? What are the connections among the Israel/Palestine situation, Iraq, Afghanistan, the civil war in Syria, etc?

Remember to research next week's topic: THW ban political attack ads

See you next week!
Ms. Krissy

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Child Adds

I think that advertisments and comercials targeted to children is very wrong.  Children shouldn't be used as a tool for a company to make money. Serval adds are targeted to kids by adding characters from popular child TV shows. The children thus convince there parents to buy the product. This cycle is started when comercials makers target kids for adds and take advantage on there little understanding in the finacial subject.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Consuming Kids

I think that consuming kids through advertising may be good for the little kids and the companies because the little kids get to choose from a variety of toys to buy. In fact, kids are more likely to buy the advertised products, which helps the company earn money and help them get their income. Although there could be some bad effects such as obesity or an increase in tantrums, advertising can help families get what they want to get. This is what I think about consuming kids.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Consuming kids has shown me that I was correct when I heard about those kind of ads. These kinds of ads make me think about how we want everything because of them. Not only is it hard on the parents, the toys kids buy are usually left to waste in the corner. After a while, a kid will like something else and completely forget that toy. For that reason, these ads can actually be harmful. Also, any ad that may be advertising something that may give away a person's data may be bad because the kids have already become susceptible to it. Even though it helps companies, it hurts the new generation because it may affect their attitude. here is a link to an article.
I think that advertisement directed to children is not right. It is not fair to take advantage of the fact that young children do not have a high knowledge in financial related subjects.Advertisers use this fact as a tool to make parents spend more money on there products. It also influences the child to believe that anything that has his or her favorite character on it is good.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Watching TV and advertisements are "consuming" kids; making them nag their parents to buy something advertised on TV.




I think companies should stop aiming commercials at little kids and trying to persuade and manipulate them into buying certain products. Also, parents should control the amount of television watching and not let it get out of control.

TV Consuming KIDS!

                TV Consuming KIDS!

      If you don't know about this, you should know now that TV is consuming kids with advertisements. The advertisements are telling kids to buy that and buy that. Most kids buy a lot of stuff when they are small. Kids now play on the computer they bought because of the advertisements.
     So if you read this, don't let your little kids watch advertisements on TV.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I feel that consuming kids is bad because it can cause many different bad things. Consuming kids can make kids obis. Many kids in the old days would go outside and play sports but now they only go on the computer and do stuff. They cause them to be fat. I feel that the government should do something about it like the other countries do because kids will continue to become fat and get diseases that make you not able to focus.

Advertising can cause a huge change in the kids. If your kids did not watch advertisements they would not want everything and think that they need everything. This is what I think about consuming kids.

Blog Prompt Week 5

Hey guys!

For this week, I would like you to blog a response to the Consuming Kids documentary. Were you aware of advertising's power before you watched the film? What do you now think about the things you buy (or that your parents buy for you)? What kinds of messages do those products send and/or say about you? Remember that your response should be thoughtful!

Also don't forget to do your news sheet and create a T chart and research next week's debate topic:
THBT developed countries have a greater obligation to combat climate/global warming than developing countries

Have a great weekend! See you all next week!
Ms. Krissy

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Using the internet

 People may not know, but companies are tracking us every move. I think the government should be responsible to protect the privacy of users because of the forth Amendment. We should not have companies look at every post we have on Facebook, or any other social media. Because the companies are always tracking you every move, you will have no privacy on the internet, and it is no different from getting stalked.


I think that the government should not have the ability to look so deeply into our privacy. The government has control and knows everything about us. Companies and social networks not use so much of our information, especially if the customer doesn't read the terms and conditions. Personally, I think that the government can have control but not so much and companies should ask us before selling our information, using our stuff, or sending unwanted emails. In my opinion, it is okay to know stuff about us but it is definitely not okay to give away our information our use it.   


Company are bad for selling our info. because they can track you down and have a gun next to them. It can be creepy so that is why i don't like that.

Monday, June 23, 2014


I think the government does not have the responsibility to protect the privacy of individuals because of what the government tried to do when companies sold information. The government has not been doing much to stop companies from selling information because companies have a tendency to say that it is part of their business to receive money from selling one's private information. Companies should try to ask individuals if they could sell information to other companies because doing so would help individuals understand that companies are selling their information else where.
This is the reason why companies should behave better and ask individuals for the selling of information.