Saturday, June 28, 2014

Watching TV and advertisements are "consuming" kids; making them nag their parents to buy something advertised on TV.




I think companies should stop aiming commercials at little kids and trying to persuade and manipulate them into buying certain products. Also, parents should control the amount of television watching and not let it get out of control.

TV Consuming KIDS!

                TV Consuming KIDS!

      If you don't know about this, you should know now that TV is consuming kids with advertisements. The advertisements are telling kids to buy that and buy that. Most kids buy a lot of stuff when they are small. Kids now play on the computer they bought because of the advertisements.
     So if you read this, don't let your little kids watch advertisements on TV.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I feel that consuming kids is bad because it can cause many different bad things. Consuming kids can make kids obis. Many kids in the old days would go outside and play sports but now they only go on the computer and do stuff. They cause them to be fat. I feel that the government should do something about it like the other countries do because kids will continue to become fat and get diseases that make you not able to focus.

Advertising can cause a huge change in the kids. If your kids did not watch advertisements they would not want everything and think that they need everything. This is what I think about consuming kids.

Blog Prompt Week 5

Hey guys!

For this week, I would like you to blog a response to the Consuming Kids documentary. Were you aware of advertising's power before you watched the film? What do you now think about the things you buy (or that your parents buy for you)? What kinds of messages do those products send and/or say about you? Remember that your response should be thoughtful!

Also don't forget to do your news sheet and create a T chart and research next week's debate topic:
THBT developed countries have a greater obligation to combat climate/global warming than developing countries

Have a great weekend! See you all next week!
Ms. Krissy

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Using the internet

 People may not know, but companies are tracking us every move. I think the government should be responsible to protect the privacy of users because of the forth Amendment. We should not have companies look at every post we have on Facebook, or any other social media. Because the companies are always tracking you every move, you will have no privacy on the internet, and it is no different from getting stalked.


I think that the government should not have the ability to look so deeply into our privacy. The government has control and knows everything about us. Companies and social networks not use so much of our information, especially if the customer doesn't read the terms and conditions. Personally, I think that the government can have control but not so much and companies should ask us before selling our information, using our stuff, or sending unwanted emails. In my opinion, it is okay to know stuff about us but it is definitely not okay to give away our information our use it.   


Company are bad for selling our info. because they can track you down and have a gun next to them. It can be creepy so that is why i don't like that.

Monday, June 23, 2014


I think the government does not have the responsibility to protect the privacy of individuals because of what the government tried to do when companies sold information. The government has not been doing much to stop companies from selling information because companies have a tendency to say that it is part of their business to receive money from selling one's private information. Companies should try to ask individuals if they could sell information to other companies because doing so would help individuals understand that companies are selling their information else where.
This is the reason why companies should behave better and ask individuals for the selling of information.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Protecting Your Privacy!

             Protecting your internet!

         Did you know that companies are selling your information to other people? They are stokers to us. They are breaking the fourth amendment which states the we have our own privacy. The government shouldn't do this without our permission. Even through they are protecting us this way, this is the wrong way to do it.

        I say that we should have our own choices to let them or not let them look at our information. This is what I think about our information.

Friday, June 20, 2014

    I think the government doesn't have the right to read our information because it might be very personal. Companies that sell our information are exposing our deepest secrets. We trusted the companies to keep our information safe but they did not do what we have asked for. The companies let everyone see what you posted and other stuff. Some companies such as Google uses pref cookies. They tell the company that set them up who you are what you like and other stuff that you would not want to share. 
      I believe that thew government has no right to dig through our information. They are breaking the fourth amendment which states that we have our own privacy. This is what I think.

Blog Prompt

Hey guys!
For this week, I want you to write more deeply about internet users. Does the government have a responsiblity to protect the privacy of individuals? Is the onus all upon the users to protect their own privacy? Should companies just behave better? What may some of the effects be?
Do you think there is a problem with what companies know about you and can do? Or not? And why?
Don't forget your post should be over a paragraph...
Ms. Krissy

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nobody really knows what happens when you see that shut down animation on your phone. Is it still on? Over 18 months, the police have used is the fake cell phone tower. It is a model called the Stingray that acts like a connector. It forces all phones or devices in the area to connect to it. Then it stores the information it will later give to the cops. The police will also sometimes go to phone companies to get information on citizens they think will have traces to crime. Sometimes they will just use brute-force for the information. Another way is for the NSA to keep your phone on and listen to your conversation. Much of this is only to help capture the criminals who do murders or robberies.
Usually, you would not need to care much about this except if you were some criminal.


They should do it because incase for safety

Internet Secrets

You may not know this, but... TA-DA! People on Internet are haunting you. What does that mean? Well, it means that companies like Apple and Google and all of the technological companies are selling your information to other companies. Why do they do that? Because people want to get money and be rich, and selling people's private information a companies's way to get money.  These companies are all spying and mailing your information internationally. So, this being said, watch out when accepting terms and services and joining social media.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Companies sell their user's information to other companies for money and ads. Companies such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other web companies use cookies, which are like chips, to sell information. Companies don't even tell you before they sell the information. Sometimes, they see your conversation with other people on Facebook too. Phone companies do that too. For example, AT&T and other phone companies can even go to your texts and into the phone calls if they wanted to.

Tracked DOWN!

                            Tracked    DOWN!

     Some of you don't know this, but companies take your information and sell it to other people. Can you believe it!? Even more surprising, GOOGLE does this too! Some of you might not believe this, but GOOGLE can figure what kind of person you are by just looking up what you searched for. Everyone of our most trustworthy companies. For example, Apple, GOOGLE, Skype,and others. So the next time that you want to do something private on the computer, DON'T!           

Friday, June 13, 2014

Interesting stories I've come across this week

PROOF that we can all be very powerful! :) Including kids :)

More proof that all of our digital data is at risk... I recommend you read this if you have any kind of wifi/cellular device. A little scary how much data we all generate....

One of many stories that will provide you with more insight into whats is going on in Iraq, and the rest of the middle east.

And for those of you who haven't yet discovered Buzzfeed, it's a fun place to discover random things including pop culture, sports, news, and just about anything else.

Have a good weekend. See you all next week :)
You may not know it, but many social media sites are tracking you. They know all the websites you like and what are your interests. then, they sell it to other companies to let the companies spam you with ads. When people found out about this, they were shocked. However, they did not do anything about it. I think something should be done about it. Having the sites tracking you every move does not give you any privacy on the computer.

Ever since Snowden revealed the information that the NSA were listening to our conversations many companies have added extra layers of protection. However how do we know if the extra layers are useful? Facebook has begun to use even more of your personal information. Face book spreads your information world wide and not anonymous. Some companies use cookies and they tell the company about you. We should limit our internet usage.

Week 2 Prompt

Hi guys!
This week I want you to think about your digital usage, either on your phone or on a computer. What does that usage show about you? How concerned are you about your privacy? Should you be more or less concerned, and why?
Here is the link to the story we heard about digital privacy, and here is a story about what happens to your data on Facebook. This is how easy it for the government to track your data and what they may or may not do with it.
Stuff to think about...
Ms. Krissy

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Friendly reminder

Hi guys,
This is just a friendly reminder that your blogs are due tonight by midnight. Many of you waited until the LAST MINUTE to email me. Luckily, I checked my email on my way home rite now and so I have added you. However, if you read the syllabus (which we went over in class and IN DETAIL) you need to give yourself plenty of time to complete your assignments. This includes blogging. So... just a heads up for future reference.
I look forward to reading all of your posts :) See you tomorrow.
Ms. Krissy

MAKE SURE YOU RESEARCH TOMORROWS TOPIC! We are having an actual in class debate!
Gun violence has caused many problems in the past and is rising once again as a dilemma which has no easy answer to. Every shooting causes people to try and find the meaning and the murderer behind it. Gun violence has been dropping in the last 20 years. Before, it was higher than the average of 31,672 deaths every year. Today, there are only 86 deaths every day and no more. When schools waste their money on school security, nothing happens. Children are 100 times more likely to get killed out of school. Gun violence is also not because of mental illness. That means people choose to kill because they wish to. Mental illness also means people with delusions and/or hallucinations. Only a few had mental illness. Still, gun violence can be reduced even further by either the allowance of guns or the prohibition of guns. Scientific evidence has proved that gun violence goes down with safety rules on guns, but the debate goes on because of the Second Amendment and how some countries with guns have lower crime rates.

Violence In Bullying

                Violence In Bullying

     Violence in bullying happens by beating kids up, wedgie, and other things.Sometimes people think that is funny, but the one getting hurt doesn't think it's funny at all.The solution to this is that you can tell them to stop. If they keep doing it, tell the adults. This doesn't count as tattle-tailing at all.